When you own a business, making sure that you have the right signage is definitely an important part of being able to draw in as many customers as possible. After all, if people can’t find you, they certainly won’t be coming in to make a purchase. Additionally, signs can be an excellent way to help brand your business because these are a visible reminder of your business to everyone who passes by your store.
Of course, choosing the right sign is something every business owner needs to think about very carefully.
Choosing the Type
It’s important to put some thought into what type of signage you choose for your business. For example, if you’re looking for a pylon sign, the size will be determined by how high up in the air the sign will be, how far away traffic and passersby will be, the amount of text or graphics that you want on the sign, and how close to your actual store location the sign will be installed. You certainly don’t want to get a sign and have it be something that people won’t be able to easily read.
Determining What It Says
Another important factor is what your sign will say. Generally, short and simple will be your best option. This is especially true if you’re looking for outdoor signs that you want to use to draw traffic to your store.
The farther away passersby will be, the simpler and easier to read you’re going to need to have your signs. People driving by are not going to have the time to focus on a small sign or to try and read too much text. Make your words pop by keeping it simple, and choosing the right colors.
Pole or LED Signs
When looking for signs, you’ll certainly have many options. If you want your sign to be seen for a distance, a pole or pylon sign might be a good option. If you want something that will draw people’s attention, especially if your store is located on a local street or you get walking traffic passing your place of business, LED or neon sign can be great options. Of course, monument signs are an excellent option for stores in strip malls, and custom channel letter signs let you clearly put your business name on the front of your building.
Spend some time thinking about where you want your sign installed as well as exactly what type of function you are looking for. Whether you’re after the traditional pole signs or contemporary LED signs, these can make sure your business is seen from a nearby highway.
5 Types of Signage No Retailer Can Afford to Ignore, Shopify.com
Tips for Buying Business Signs, entrepreneur.com