Boosting Brand Awareness with a Little Help from Tulsa Signs Companies

Brand awareness is an important aspect of running a business, especially when your company is relatively new in the market. Unless you’re a monopoly running a commodity that everyone needs, you need to take an active approach in advertising and brand awareness if you want people lining up at the counter. Although advertising can get expensive if you’re aiming for a wider target audience, you can start small with the right signs.


According to contributor Rich Suttle,

Advertising comes in many forms, from hiring someone to jump around in a chef’s outfit outside of a pizza shop to towering signs. Many small businesses depend on signs to attract attention to their business. Some signs, such as those taped to the window, only attract people in the general vicinity. Large, tall signs can attract drivers from the interstate and throughout the neighborhood. By effectively placing a large sign near your business, you can significantly increase traffic to your business.

There are many Tulsa signs companies that you could contact. One of these is Crown Neon Signs, which offers all kinds of signage options like LED, pole signs, monument signs, and more. Choose whatever you think could help your business best and plan a design that would get your store second glances.

Good design gets someone to stop and take a quick look back at your ad. Creating a good sign could be difficult, but if you work with a professional, you may be able to come up with something that is attractive, witty, simple, and not distracting or confusing.

Suttle also writes,

Maximize the sign’s visibility. The entire point of advertising with the sign is to pull in more customers. Placing the sign in a location that maximizes visibility is the best way to accomplish that goal. If possible, create a sign that is tall enough for drivers on the nearby interstate to see. Even if your business isn’t located right off the Interstate, the sign is still visible for most drivers to view.

Although placing a sign right outside your door would get people noticing your store, this only gets the immediate vicinity to notice you. Another thing you could do is to hang signs around Tulsa to get more people talking about your business. This way, you increase brand awareness and more potential clients.

(Info from Tips About Advertising,

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